Police FAQ

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How and where do you file a complaint?

You may call dispatch at 315-782-2233, or 315-786-2601, and ask to speak to the on-duty supervisor. Or, you may come to the Metro-Jefferson Public Safety Building at 751 Waterman Drive during business hours.
If you are uncomfortable with coming to the building, the supervisor may arrange to meet you at another location. You will be asked to sign the formal complaint form.

Where can I retrieve evidence and/or lost property?

You can retrieve lost property and evidence items at the records window, during the above listed hours. The records clerks cannot retrieve the items for you, the Evidence and Property Officers must do it. Please do not stop in un-announced , as the officers may have been called out to a scene, or they may be tied up on a case, and unable to help you. PLEASE call ahead of time at: (315)786-2619.

Does the Police Department issue photo I.D. Cards?

No. The police department no longer does photo I.D. cards for civilians. The Jefferson County Motor Vehicle Department issues non-driver's license IDs and is located in the Jefferson County Office Building on 175 Arsenal Street in Watertown

Where can I get a Fingerprint Card?

The Watertown Police Department does not issue Fingerprint Cards.

Where can I get a Records/Background check?

Records/Background checks can be obtained at the Police Department's Records Window. You must bring a photo I.D. Records checks are $10.00. Keep in mind the check is for the City of Watertown only!

Where can I find information on City Bicycle Auctions?

The city has a bike auction once a year as required. It will be announced in the local newspaper and on the website

How can I get a bicycle license?

Bicycle licenses can be obtained at the Police Department's Records Window. Bike Licenses are only 25 cents each. If the bike is lost or stolen, the license and/or the recorded frame number helps us return it to the owner.

How can I get a copy of a Police and/or an accident report?

Copies of reports can be obtained at the Records Department for 25 cents a page. You must request reports in person. They cannot be mailed or faxed.
NOTE: If the person requesting the report is a suspect or person of interest in a criminal investigation, they cannot obtain a copy. We also cannot release report copies of on-going criminal investigations or report copies containing evidentiary information.

The Records Department phone numbers are: (315)786-2637, and (315)786-2640. They are located on the second floor of the Public Safety Building. The window is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:45 PM. The window is closed for all legal holidays

What are the parking restrictions for winter months?

All-night seasonal parking restrictions state no person shall park any vehicle upon any street or road in the City of Watertown between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. between November 1st through April 30th, except physicians on emergency calls. No person shall park any vehicle in a prohibited zone at any time of the year.

General Information
Chief of Police
Charles Donoghue
Phone Numbers
(315) 782-2233 Dial 911 for immediate action
Fax: (315) 786-2613
Emergencies: Dial 911
751 Waterman Drive

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm