Homes and Community Renewal Home Repair Program

Jefferson County will be added to HCR's home repair program for the August 9th and 10th rain/flooding.  Under the repair program, homeowner's may be eligible for grants of up to $50,000 to fund or reimburse certain qualifying health and safety related repairs to address damage caused by the storm that are not covered by insurance or other disaster relief programs. Applicants must be homeowners who occupy the home as a primary residence and total household income may not exceed 150% of the Statewide Median Income (which is $157,800) or 150% of the Area (a/k/a County) Median Income - whichever is greater.  

The program will be administered by local partners who will work directly with affected homeowners and assist them with insurance claims, the repair and reconstruction process and reimbursement requests. HCR is in the process of securing those local partners. They are moving quickly but please note that it takes a few weeks to identify, engage and stand-up local partners for each program.

 In the interim, Homeowners that wish to be notified when applications open are encouraged to complete the form below.

Click HERE to Complete Form

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